Campaign FAQs

Q: Why should I give to the Capital Campaign?

By giving to the Building Community for Christ Capital Campaign you will help create a sacred space for prayer and reflection, fostering spiritual growth and unity within our parish. Additionally, your tax-deductible donation will directly enhance our community’s ability to gather, worship, and experience Christ’s love in a profound and personal way. It will also provide a welcoming space for us to invite those we meet to share the Gospel message, expanding our outreach and bringing more people into the embrace of our faith community.

Q: Why are we having a campaign?

Our vision at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is to “Set the world on fire for Christ.” This is a lofty vision, but with over 6,000 people attending Mass every Sunday, over 1,000 people in religious education and dozens of ministries we are one of the largest and most active parishes in the DFW area, and uniquely positioned to accomplish this vision. The capital campaign will help us set the world on fire for Christ by helping set our parish on fire for Christ first.

Adoration Chapel – Worship of Christ is the most important thing we do as individuals and as a parish. An adoration chapel will allow us to expand our adoration times and help people connect with Jesus Christ.

Covered Walkway – We have many people who have mobility limitations and a covered walkway to the north entrance of the church will provide much needed protection from the elements for those who need it.

Family Life Center – Our parish is in great need of additional meeting spaces. Neither our PAC/gym nor current parish hall are large enough to hold parish wide events.The new parish hall will have a commercial kitchen and beautiful banquet hall that will be able to seat over 800 people at tables and it will have the ability to be divided into five smaller spaces for events, classes or talks. The new parish hall will have a nice gathering area where people can socialize and have coffee. It will have a new nursery that will help accommodate our growing parish. It will have classrooms for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a choir room and additional office space. It will also have an area on the second floor that we will leave unfinished to accommodate future needs. The new parish hall will be for parish use and will not have the restrictions we currently experience with the use of the PAC/Gym due to the needs of the school.

Q: Why are we fundraising in times of economic uncertainty?

Our nation’s economy is always on our minds, but Jesus says we should not live in fear: “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” (Matthew: 6:27) Remember too that faith tells us the Lord “is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” (Eph. 3:20)

In times of economic uncertainty, fundraising for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s capital campaign is more crucial than ever. Our community’s spiritual and emotional well-being is paramount, especially during challenging periods. By investing in our church’s infrastructure, we ensure a stable and nurturing environment where individuals can find solace, strength, and guidance. This campaign is not just about building physical structures; it’s about reinforcing the foundation of our faith community, providing a beacon of hope and support for all. Your donation will help us continue our mission of service, compassion, and outreach, making a lasting impact even in the face of economic challenges.

Q: Why is it important for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishioners to take ownership of the campaign?

If SEAS is to conduct a successful campaign, we must express ownership by sacrificing time, talent and treasure. We need as many volunteers as possible to help in a variety of ways, and we call upon every member to serve in a meaningful way. It is crucial for the overall health and growth of our church for members, both new and long-term, young and old to take ownership and serve in this campaign

Q: Will the Adoration Chapel be used for small events such as baptisms, funerals, etc.?

The chapel will be set aside exclusively for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We have had 96 funerals and 65 weddings in the last year and each time we had to either cancel or shorten adoration. Setting aside the chapel for adoration will give people surety that when they come for adoration they will actually be able to adore the Lord.

Q: Why does the estimated cost of the Family Life Center seem so high?

The $13.5 million price tag for the new Family Life Center reflects our commitment to creating a modern facility that fits with the aesthetics and design of the other buildings on our campus. This cost includes high-quality construction materials, new technology, and sustainable design features to ensure durability and efficiency. Additionally, the Family Life Center will be equipped with versatile spaces for worship, education, and community events, providing a comprehensive resource for all members of our parish. Investing in this multifaceted center means we can offer more programs and services, enhancing the overall experience and support we provide to our families. This significant investment ensures that we build not just for today, but for a vibrant future.

Q: How much will each project cost and how much are we hoping to raise?

The Family Life Center will cost $13.5 million, the adoration chapel $1.1 million and the covered walkway $600,000. Our goal is to raise $8 million-$10 million in this three-year campaign after this three year campaign we will do another campaign to address the shortfall. Prices for construction will only increase in the future and after consulting with the various councils, we decided it was best to build everything as soon as possible so that inflation won’t price us out of these much needed projects. In a major capital campaign, it is normal to get 2 – 2.5x the annual collection, which our annual collection is around $4.5 million. The follow-up campaign should raise an additional 1.5 – 2x the annual collection and cover what we will owe on the buildings.

Q: How can I support the Capital Campaign?

At this time, first and foremost, please support this campaign by faithfully praying for its success in your daily prayer routines and as often as you remember SEAS throughout the day. Secondly, you can support this campaign by volunteering your time and energy through the solicitation of gifts, or in administrative tasks. Of course, we ask you to prayerfully consider financial support.